Volvo over Mixed Reality binnen automotive: de nieuwe frontier

Gasten: Timmy Ghiurau Host: Timmy Ghiurau
Volvo over Mixed Reality binnen automotive: de nieuwe frontier

De automotive-industrie is een van de eersten die Mixed Reality volledig omarmt en verandert nu al de manier waarop auto’s worden ontworpen, gerepareerd, verkocht en bestuurd.

We staan echter nog aan het begin van het benutten van het volledige potentieel van de XR-technologie binnen het auto-ecosysteem. Naarmate technologieën zoals hardware, infrastructuur en visualisatie zich verder ontwikkelen, zal de industrie een democratisering van de voordelen zien die van invloed is op alles, van duurzaamheid tot veiligheid.

In deze video vertelt Timmy Ghiurau, Volvo, over alles omtrent de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in de automotive industrie.


Timmy Ghiurau
Innovation Leader, Volvo Cars

Timmy Ghiurau leads Volvo Cars innovative tech and initiatives surrounding virtual and augmented reality, working with virtual simulators and eye-tracking to create the future of self-driving cars and user experience research.

After giving the rock star career a stab in his teens, Timmy’s math skills, programming knowledge, and interest in game engines sent him to be a software developer. With a focus on eye-tracking and VR, this path led him to work closely with the founders of game engine Unity, Danish eye-tracking startup The Eye Tribe (later acquired by Facebook’s VR division Oculus) – and patents in XR and eye-tracking.

At Volvo, Timmy currently sets the trend on how car companies use game engines and AR/VR technologies in their development. He also helps Volvo Cars Tech Fund with finding new opportunities in tech startups.

On the side, he invests and advises fashion and tech startups all around Europe.

Monique van Dusseldorp
Host, Emerce

Monique is a conference organiser, who over the last 15 years initiated and organised a series of internationally renowned seminars and conferences, all with a top line of speakers.

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